Charged with leading digital strategy for products, content and revenue at your company? This networking club is designed with you in mind

Why join the LMA Digital Club?


The LMA Digital Club is a networking club that brings together senior-level media executives from print, broadcast, and radio companies to learn together and share best practices. 

We do this through two monthly calls in four areas:

  • Media sales/revenue strategies
  • Audience growth channels such as OTT, newsletters, NFTs 
  • Reader revenue strategies
  • Content and audience engagement strategies
Jay Small
  • Penny Riordan, LMA director of business strategy and partnerships, develops agendas for the calls and facilitates the conversations. Jay Small, LMA chief operating officer, assists with club logistics (schedules, membership lists, Slack workspaces etc.)

What does your membership get you? 

  1. Access to the two monthly calls for you and 1-2 additional people on your teams. You can rotate out staff members depending on the topic.
  2. Access to the call archive, including transcripts for easy searching.
  3. Access to email list, which is a great place to give and get information from your peers on what vendors to use, how to approach social media policies, and what emerging revenue trends are promising.

Requirements to join LMA Digital Club

  • Your company must operate local media properties: newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, digital-only local sites, directories, or any other bona fide local media entity. Sorry, but we cannot accept media industry service providers/R&D partners into Digital Club.
  • You are charged with growing digital products, engagement and/or revenue at your company. We have a wide mix of titles, but this is meant primarily for senior-level executives. A mix of strategic and tactical expertise is required.
  • You must submit an application to join.
  • You must commit to attend, or have your alternate attend, as many LMADC meetings as possible. We work hard to ensure meeting schedules accommodate members’ busy schedules.
  • You must adhere to the “Vegas rules” for the meetings: We do not share sensitive or confidential information we hear on the calls with non-members, unless otherwise agreed during the conversation. The recordings are not shared with non-members or the public.

Testimonials from members


“The LMA Digital Club has been an invaluable resource for me over the past several years. I’ve been able to connect with some of the smartest, most forward-thinking people in the media landscape. As a club we share ideas, challenges and solutions that lead to measurable increases in readership and revenue. My only regret about joining LMA Digital Club is that I didn’t do it sooner in my career!”

— Jared Frank, director of digital strategy, KHQ, Inc. & Cowles Montana Media

“The LMA Digital Club has strengthened our digital team by connecting us to newsrooms across the country. The journalists I’ve met provide us an ecosystem for questions, ideas, and support, all of which makes our newsroom stronger.”

— Ryan Welton, director of digital content, Griffin Communications

Cost to join

  • $139/month, recurring charge on a credit card.