Local Media Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable trust affiliated with Local Media Association, one of the largest local media trade associations in North America. More than 3,000 media properties are involved with the work of LMA and LMF.

The mission

To ensure a healthy future for local journalism, which is essential to a strong democracy, by reinventing business models for news.

Innovation and transformation

Local Media Foundation serves as the innovation and transformation affiliate of LMA. More than 2,000 local media executives have participated in progressive and innovative LMF programs. Incorporating our four strategic pillarsbusiness transformation, journalism funded by philanthropy, industry collaboration, and sustainability for publishers of color — LMF helps provide local media companies the strategies and resources for meaningful innovation and impactful journalism projects.

LMA and LMF research and development projects follow our established Accelerate Local process to provide optimum benefits to project participants and the industry overall.

Current areas of focus for Local Media Foundation include:

Board of directors

The LMF board of directors is comprised of industry leaders who provide oversight and direction.